Automate and link your Business Operations with our ERP System

We have the power to tailor the software to fit your unique business needs. Whether you’re in manufacturing, distribution, retail, or service industry, we can customize the ERP system to match your specific workflows, processes, and reporting requirements. We can also structure your HR and Payroll, setup your healthcare facility, or automate all your operations at your education facility. 

Some of the modules we provide

Almost everything you need for your business. We can setup a range of modules based on your requirements. Besides fully fledged domains like Manufacturing, Education, Hospitality, Healthcare, and Agriculture, we can setup the foloowing modules

Financial Accounting

Get a real-time view of your cash flow. Full-fledged accounting module covering every aspect of bookkeeping.

HR and Payroll

Manage full employee life cycle right from onboarding, payroll, attendance, expense claims, assets to separation.

Order Management

Increase productivity and lower costs by managing your sales and purchase cycles, from purchase to sales orders

Asset Management

Maintain and Manage details of assets, their movement, value adjustment, and depreciation.


Deliver both internal and external projects on time, budget, and profitability. Track tasks, timesheets, and issues by project.


ERPNext comes with fully-featured content management with blogs, web pages, and forms.


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Our Customers

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"Amazing Designs and Quality Work!"

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John Doe
CEO, Acme Inc.

Meet Our Leadership

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Joanne Williams


Fred Buster

Director OPS

Lisa Hoffman​

Director HR

Would you like to start a project with us?

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